Friday, January 11, 2013

Videogame systems

So one of the biggest things that people ask me at work is which system is best. And there is no answer.  No system is the absolute best system. They all have their pros and cons.

Xbox 360: My absolute favorite. But it may not be yours. The online experience is the best by far. Anyone who says that the online on the PS3 has never played online with an Xbox 360. The download speed is faster and has much smaller updates and less need for a huge hard drive for game saves.  There are also more games for the Xbox. They may not all be amazing. But the exclusives that the Xbox has are amazing. Whether its a great RPG like Fable or a Shooter like the Halo series. And the biggest thing that a PS3 owner will say is that it costs money. Ever heard of you get what you pay for. Sometimes its not true and you can find a good bargain, but I would never cheap out on my gaming experience. That's right its an experience. Would I rather pay $60 per year to play online or pay nothing and be tortured. I rather pay the $60 per year. It comes out to be $5 per month for a good online gaming service. Now who can complain about that?  If you can complain about that, let me ask you how much do you pay for your texting plan?  More or less than $5. Cuz mine is a little more than that. So if you have a problem, too bad.
One of my favorite features of Xbox Live is the party feature. You can invite your friends and be in your own private chat while you are playing a game. Better yet, you don't have to be in the same game to talk. Take that PS3!  It lets me play a sport game, while one friend plays an RPG, and while another watches Netflix. Its better than having to make a phone call. And you can have up to 8 people in a party chat at one time.

PS3: Now I've had my PS3 now for about three years. I bought it my first year at GameStop. I bought it with the intent of using it as a Blu-ray player and for some of the exclusives like God of War and Infamous, two of my favorite PS3 games.  The PS3 is also great for its many RPGs that makes getting a PS3 worth it. Unfortunately, Sony hasn't done too much renovation to the PlayStation console in term of controllers. It is still the same shell from 1995 and the only updates to the controller have been the addition of the analog sticks to the PS one controller, the dual shock addition to the Second Gen controller, the color change for the PS2 and it then became wireless and had six motion sensors with the PS3. And does anyone remember when Sony said that no one cared about a controller that rumbled..... Yeah, that lasted a whole couple of months. Then a line of Dual Shock 3s came about to replace the initial sixaxis controllers. So getting back to the system. It's a great overall system, with a lacking online services. They have their Netflix, Hulu plus, and several other services, but it doesn't make up for the long updates and several down days per year for the PSN maintenance. The last day I can remember that Xbox Live was down was in November of 2009.  As I said earlier, Xbox has a party chat. The PS3 does have a similar chat system, but the drawback is that you cannot be doing anything else. The chat is the only thing you can do. No multitasking!   This system is good only if you don't like to play online or if you're looking for a good Japanese RPG like White Knight Chronicles.

Wii:  This one  will be short, I promise. Mainly because I dont like the Wii. Yes they have Mario and Zelda. But those two combined cannot convince me to buy a Wii. Its excessive need for more accessories and attachments can drive you up a wall and empty your wallet. The graphics aren't that good and the controller is horrible. Who wants to play with a bar like controller and a nunchuck. Its not comfortable or easy to do. The wire could snap in-between the controllers and your done. This system broke so many TVs with its motion gaming, it was ridiculous. Not to say that the people playing were too intelligent. The system system tells you before every game that you should put on the safety strap. Overall, I never owned a Wii and I never will.

Wii-U:  Now this looks interesting. But not interesting enough to buy. The 2012 holiday item of the year goes to the Wii-U. It was the thing on every Nintendo fan's Christmas list. Replacing the controllers with a tablet for most games seemed like a good idea to someone, but it lasts as long as the 3DS battery, which I will touch upon later. But to say it shortly, its battery life sucks. A measly 3 hours. Though, some games still can use the old Wii remotes, as long as they are the motion plus controllers. So if you want to play Just Dance on the Wii-U, no need to worry. Its a new system so that's all I have for it. I'm not a Nintendo guy, so I'm not going into great detail about it.

Now onto the handhelds..
So only two companies have handheld systems. There is the Nintendo 3DS and the PS Vita.

3DS: This system is what you need to play your Pokemon and your Mario. But other than that. Nintendo hasn't launched any huge titles for it. It has 4 Mario games and a few N64 remakes. Who cares. Nintendo dropped the price of this system by $80 after a year of launch.  And what did they give the customers that paid the full $250, a few games that they own the digital rights to, so it cost them nothing.... Yeah, I feel much better about my purchase after that...
And the 3D of the system isn't even all that good. They say that children under 7 shouldn't use it for more than 5 minutes per half hour so it does not strain their eyes and hurt them. And after a year and a half, they release an "XL" version. Now that's just not good business ethics releasing a new system every other year since the DS to the 3DS.

Vita:  Sony's newest handheld is actually pretty impressive. They ditched the UMD disks and replaced it with a small memory card like chip. Now they are harder to keep track of, but there is no disk to scratch and its easier to change games. At launch, they offered a 3G version of the Vita, and I found it rather useless. You have to go through AT&T, which I dont mind because they are my cell phone carrier. So I know that they have a good service it starts at $15 per month until you hit your data limit. But the games are awesome, the touch screen and back touch pad are awesome, and the battery life is pretty good too. The vita gets my best handheld award.

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